How to overcome the fear of dentists in children?
Anasayfa | How to overcome the fear of dentists in children?

How to overcome the fear of dentists in children?

1) Avoid using words like ”needle, pain, tooth extraction". Do not give your child a negative sentence such as “If you don't behave, they will give you a needle”. Even if the child is told “there is no needle”, the word “needle” will be enough for him to be afraid.

2) Tell your child that the procedure to be performed will be “checking teeth, counting teeth, washing teeth”. Even before coming to the dentist, play the “dentistry game” at home by checking your child's teeth and letting him check yours too.

3) Try not to project your own worries to your child and stay calm. Even if you are afraid of going to the dentist, don't mention it in front of your child.

4) Avoid giving detailed information to your child about the procedures to be performed. The fact that the information given by the parents and the dentist are different from each other or the same subject is conveyed in different ways can lead to a decrease in trust in the child. Therefore, leave it to the dentist to explain the procedures in a way that the child understands.

5) A child with advanced dental caries is aware of this condition and feels more uneasy when he goes to the dentist, as he thinks that a difficult treatment will be started. By taking care of your child's teeth together, you can notice any caries before it progresses and make it easier to take precautions.

6) Children who have a fear of dentists; coming to an appointment with a friend who is not afraid of dentists and has easily had their treatment before, can have a positive effect.

7) After the appointment, an activity program that the child will like can be used to encourage and motivate him during the examination or treatment.

8) Try to be in cooperation with the dentist during the examination and treatment, especially considering that young children's interests may quickly dissipate, they will not be able to sit in the dentist's chair for a long time like adults.

Pediatric dentists find it right to start with short-term procedures in a child who is nervous and has come to the dentist for the first time, in order for the child to get used to the tools used, to ensure trust and communication. However, in emergency cases, the order of treatment may vary.

9) Congratulate your child when the procedure is completed, even if it is just an examination. After the treatment, documents that motivate the child, such as a ‘diploma of courage’, can be given. It would be more correct to give small gifts to the child for congratulation purposes after the treatment rather than giving gifts and forcing the child to process.

10) The fact that the first dentist your child meets is a pediatric dentist specialist will help the first appointment and subsequent appointments to pass positively.

The waiting room and examination room of the clinics where these specialists are located can have a positive effect on reducing the child's fears, as they are arranged in such a way that the child will be interested and feel safe.