Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery
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Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery

Abscess and Cyst Operations (Apical Resection)

Cases in Which the Apical Resection Operation Is Performed:

Failure to complete root canal treatment due to structural or deformity of the tooth root,
Inability to perform root canal treatment due to the presence of a non-removable restoration on the tooth,
In cases where a cyst forms at the root of the tooth, • In cases where the patient's pain persists despite the root canal treatment performed,
In cases of fracture of the 1/3 end part of the tooth root inside the bone.

Wisdom Teeth and Their Extraction

The last teeth in our mouth are the wisdom teeth. They are also called by this name or the mind tooth, since they usually last in the twenties. In some people, no wisdom tooth germ has been formed at birth. Therefore, in these people, wisdom teeth never last. However, sometimes these teeth, even when they are formed, create problems with driving.

What are the conditions that require the removal of the twenty-year-old (Mental) tooth?

Caries: Saliva, bacteria and food fragments accumulate in the socket opened by the newly emerging tooth, threatening both the wisdom tooth and the molar next to it. Severe paintings can occur, which lead to pain and infection, resulting in an abscess.
Gum disease (pericoronitis): A partially dislodged wisdom tooth forms a focus of infection in which bacteria and food debris are stored in the gum. This condition causes bad breath, pain, edema and trismus (inability to fully open the mouth). The infection can spread to the cheek and neck via the lymph nodes.
Pressure pain: Pressure may occur on neighboring teeth due to lack of space during riding, and pain may be felt due to compression. In some cases, this pressure leads to edema and swelling.
Reasons related to prosthetics: It is necessary to take wisdom teeth into account in a mouth where prosthetics planning is performed. because, after wisdom tooth extraction, it will be necessary to make a new prosthesis according to the changed mouth structure.
Cyst formation: Cases of cystic lesions caused by an embedded tooth have been observed. Cystic lesions cause bone destruction, spontaneous fractures in the jawbone and displacement or damage to the surrounding teeth. To prevent bone destruction, the tooth should be extracted and the cyst cleaned. Rarely, if this cyst spreads to very large areas, it can turn into tumors and cause spontaneous fractures to the jawbone.
Orthodontic reasons: If there is no space in a completed dental arch, they should be removed if the ongoing wisdom teeth will disrupt the arc form.It is an operation performed in cases where root canal treatment cannot be performed to eliminate infections that develop at the root tips of the teeth, to clean the inflamed root tip and surrounding tissues where inflammation spreads.

Implant Treatment

An implant is an artificial tooth root that is placed in the jawbone in order to restore the function and aesthetics of missing teeth. The implant completely changes the structure of the teeth and jaw. Implant applications should be performed especially by Specialist maxillofacial surgeons.

Tooth Extraction

Despite all these efforts:

In cases of tooth decay of a size that cannot be treated or restored,
In advanced Periodontal (Gum) disorders,
Incurable infections and abscesses in the roots of the teeth,
For orthodontic treatment purposes,
Malposes (located excessively in front or behind and not located during the tooth) of the teeth,
Irreparably broken teeth and tooth roots,
Extractions of buried teeth are performed.After the shooting;
The tampon placed on the shooting wound should be kept for about half an hour.
After this tampon is discarded, if it is not necessary, the tampon should not be put again, it should take care not to spoil the clot formed.
The mouth should not be rinsed with water.
In no case should the shooting site be touched, the wound area should not be sucked and spat.
After the shooting, nothing should be eaten for about two hours, and after this time, warm things should definitely be postponed and very hot or cold foods should be avoided.
no smoking for 24 hours. Smoking can lead to disruption of the clot and inflammation of the wound site. This condition, called dry socket, causes pain for a long time.
alcohol should not be consumed for 24 hours.
The injured area should not be used for 24 hours.
If pain occurs, a drug other than aspirin should be preferred, and if possible, a physician should be consulted for this.
The shooting location must be kept clean.Jul.
It should be prevented from stuffing food residue into the wound. 24 hours after the extraction, the area should be gently brushed with a soft toothbrush. At this time, warm salt water mouthwash can also be used.
It is considered normal for bleeding to last 6- 24 hours in the event of a slight leak.
However, if there is excessive bleeding or if this period has been exceeded, it is absolutely necessary to consult a dentist.
Likewise, in cases of prolonged pain swelling, the physician should be informed.
In case of bleeding that continues in the form of leakage, a soaked tea bag can be wrapped with gauze and put on the wound site. Making tampons in this way for a while can be useful due to the blood-stopping property of some substances in the tea.